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biggest bag of bunnys?

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I just wondered what is highest amount of rabbits people have shot with an air gun, and how and when they have been taken e.g. lamping. I have seen pictures of around up to 20 from other people, pics please, just a bit of fun, i'v got some pics at the bottom,

went lamping last saturday with: dcallaghan2010 and george atkins ga and got nine but i havent got the pics yet.


oli :gunsmilie:

Edited by olim
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My best bag is 70 in one day with an air rifle, sorry, no pics, could'nt afford a Polaroid Instamatic back then :D




You really are that old then :tongue2:


If that had been me' I'd have been so sick of doing em, I'd never shoot another bunny for fear of nightmares about gutting them :icon_eek:



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My best bag is 70 in one day with an air rifle, sorry, no pics, could'nt afford a Polaroid Instamatic back then :D




You really are that old then :tongue2:


If that had been me' I'd have been so sick of doing em, I'd never shoot another bunny for fear of nightmares about gutting them :icon_eek:





There was a lot of rabbits about then, due to there being more countryside, but I'm not telling you which year :D

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mine is 32 but they werent really sporting, most of them young uns on some game cover just emerging


A kill's a kill in my eye :yes:

I don't do it for sport :no: more pest control that allows me to access land for shooting paper targets (I use the excuse of "I have to make sure the combo is zeroed! but really my sport is destroying bulls eyes)


If I were to shoot bunnies for sport' I'd say young uns were more sporting as they have a smaller brain :yes: thus greater accuracy is required :thumbs:



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i cant get any pics to load its constantly saying sorry your picture files are too big.....no.gif




I point you in the direction of post number two on the thread above :thumbs:


Any more help, just give me a PM and I'll talk you through it :yes:



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After a whole day and nights shooting with my pal Geoff, where between us, him with his .22 rapid 7 and me with my .22 AA S310 we got 93 and a load of pigeons and corvids as well :thumbs:


One night though while lamping with my mate Danny. Him lamping for me and me shooting i shot 18 bunnies in about 30 to 40 minutes on a school field for the caretaker.


We were walking as the car was parked at my uncles house and we couldnt carry any more home so we sacked it for the night after cleaning a few to make them lighter.


We eventually got home 2 hours later really knackered.



Edited by zini
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When looking at any pic of big amounts of shot quarry its important to know if its summer or winter and if its been done from a 4 x 4 or by walking around to put everything into some perspective.

Where i go rabbiting with dogs its easy to bag summer bunnies,i spent a summer a few years back shooting them with the air-rifle.Everything was shot,any size.

Im not against summer rabbit shooting,far from it infact but i personally got it out of my system though ill shoot any rabbit that wanders into range when shooting rats.


The result of a typical two hour summer evenings walk with an airgun.No skill needed.


Edited by pointer
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Hi Pointer buddy,


Nice photo there pal :thumbs: .


Got to disagree with you about you saying no skill is needed to shoot Summer bunnies mate.


If your sat over a warren static hunting at your zero range then yes but walking with bunnies appearing at all ranges from 10 to 55 metres and you having to take standing, sitting or prone shots is something different in my opinion mate.


Wether in Winter or Summer a bunny appearing at a range other than your zero range can be a challenge. A bunny at 5m is a real chanllenge and most would get confused giving hold under instead of hold over, and shooting the ground in front of the bunny.


Just my spin on it pal.



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